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Why Medical Negligence Is Such A Big Deal

18 November 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Although there is a lot of great healthcare in the United States, there are also a lot of people who suffer from improper medical care at the hands of doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals. For example, medical negligence is a problem that impacts a lot of people each year. If you are a victim of medical malpractice, it is important to take the situation seriously. If you are wondering why medical negligence is such a big deal, consider these important reasons that medical negligence is not something that you should ignore or brush under the rug. Read More …

Are You Being Misled? What To Watch Out For After An Accident

2 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

No one is at their best after an accident, regardless of the seriousness. This is a time to take care of yourself and recover from the physical and emotional injuries that often hit accident victims. You will need to address the financial implications of the accident and consider taking legal actions, but a recovery period is a must. Unfortunately, some issues can pop up before you are ready to deal with them, so read on to learn more. Read More …

Did You Get Hit By An Uninsured Driver?

12 July 2019
 Categories: , Blog

No one ever wants to get into a car accident, but such an incident can be especially demoralizing if you find out after it happens that the person that hit you was not carrying auto insurance at the time of the accident. While this is an obvious reason for concern, there still might be a way to get a financial payout, especially if you have a good attorney on your side. Read More …

4 Tips To Remember If You Are Involved In A Car Accident

4 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

The National Safety Council released data for 2018 showing that traffic fatalities once again numbered about 40,000. While this is a one percent decrease from the two previous years, it is still an increase of 14 percent compared to four years ago. The National Safety Council also estimates that while driving and talking on a cell phone, drivers aren't seeing 50 percent of their environment. This is dangerous for drivers as well as passengers. Read More …

What Would Cause A Car Accident Case To Go To Court?

3 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

While car accidents occur every day, there are few cases that actually end up in a courtroom to be settled. Most cases do not end up in courtrooms, primarily because the parties can usually reach a fair settlement without going to court, but there are times when cases do end up in courtrooms. Here are some of the things that can cause a car accident case to end up in court and what to expect if this happens. Read More …