Three Reasons You Should Hire An Attorney Before Filing For Social Security Disability

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Three Reasons You Should Hire An Attorney Before Filing For Social Security Disability

11 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you are disabled to the point where you can no longer work or at least earn very little income, you will want to file for Social Security Disability. Assuming that you have paid into the Social Security system, it is only a matter of qualifying for these benefits, filing for them, and getting approval. However, getting approved is not easy. The following are a few good reasons you should hire a attorney to help you with the filing process.

They can determine whether you have a qualifying disability

You may not realize it now, but what the Social Security Disability office considers a qualifying disability is complex. Not only that, but it is all well defined. Your condition may not satisfy the criteria set forth in the government's documentation. However, when you consult with an attorney, they can go over your condition and how it compares with the standards. It may be that you have a condition that is right on the edge of qualifying, and a lawyer can give you advice on how to proceed.

They can help document your disability

The majority of people filing for Social Security Disability are rejected, and one of the leading reasons for this is poor or insufficient documentation. An attorney can go over what you have to demonstrate that you have this disability. It is likely that you will not have enough documentation. It may be recommended that you go to the doctor to get certain x-rays or scans that the government will want to see. Or perhaps you need better documentation for your medications. If you have attempted rehabilitation for your disability, this will likely be important to documents as well. A attorney is extremely valuable for this stage of your application. They understand what the Social Security Disability office is looking for.

They can help with the application and put together the package

All of the forms that are necessary to fill out can be filled out properly with the assistance of an attorney. It is easy to make a mistake or not understand what information they are asking for. In addition, an attorney can make sure all of the supporting documents are complete and ready for submission. An attorney can put it all together in an orderly fashion, so the Social Security Disability office will be able to easily understand your qualifying disability.

Applying for Social Security Disability is not like filing for unemployment or other such benefits because the rejection rate is very high. You will need to make sure that all forms are filled out correctly and that you have sufficient and complete documentation of your qualifying disability. To make sure this is all done properly and avoid rejection, you should have a Social Security Disability attorney assist you in the process.