Are You Being Misled? What To Watch Out For After An Accident

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Are You Being Misled? What To Watch Out For After An Accident

2 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

No one is at their best after an accident, regardless of the seriousness. This is a time to take care of yourself and recover from the physical and emotional injuries that often hit accident victims. You will need to address the financial implications of the accident and consider taking legal actions, but a recovery period is a must. Unfortunately, some issues can pop up before you are ready to deal with them, so read on to learn more.

Catching You Off-Guard

You might be surprised at how quickly the other driver's insurance company makes contact with you after the wreck, particularly if the accident appeared to be their client's fault. This call is likely coming from the insurance adjuster who says they are calling for one or more of these reasons:

  • They want to get your side of what happened when the accident occurred.
  • They want to help you with the financial ramifications of the accident by offering you a check.
  • They need to have a recorded conversation with you about the accident.

What is Really Going On?

Insurance carriers are businesses. They cannot exist if they don't make money and they do that in two ways: they profit from customer's premiums and they keep claim disbursements to a minimum. That explains the real reason behind the phone call after the wreck – to keep the payment to you as low as possible.

How Do These Calls Trip Victims Up?

Not only are accident victims in a vulnerable state after a wreck, but they are often anxious to put things behind them and move on with their lives. Insurance adjusters know all about the behavior of victims and know how to exploit it for their purposes. This happens when the accident victim creates problems for themselves by:

  1. Speculating that they may have been partially at fault for the wreck.
  2. Admitting that they are not 100% sure about the speed they were traveling at the time of the wreck.
  3. Giving a summary of the accident that varies in small details from what they said to law enforcement at the scene, to medical personnel, or others.
  4. Expressing feelings of remorse over injuries the other driver incurred.

Talk to Lawyer Instead

In spite of what the adjuster may have told you, you are not required to participate in a phone interview with the other driver's insurer. It's just too easy to make a mistake that could end up costing you the compensation that you would have received had you remained silent and let an auto accident attorney handle things. Speak to an attorney as soon as you are able and never let the other side rush you toward making a big mistake.