How To Win Damages For PTSD After An Accident

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How To Win Damages For PTSD After An Accident

29 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

After an accident, you may find it very easy to prove that you are suffering from injuries as a result of the crash. However, what is much more difficult is to prove that you are suffering from emotional injuries such as PTSD. If you are seeking compensation for PTSD, it's a good idea to consult with a personal injury attorney about how to make the best possible case.

PTSD and Your Accident Case

PTSD is a mental disorder that results from experiencing a traumatic event. This could be an act of violence, a natural disaster, or a car accident. When you are suffering from PTSD, you may experience emotional symptoms that can make it difficult to live your life. Because PTSD can interfere with your life, including your ability to work, you may be able to prove that you have suffered damages.

How to Prove That You Have PTSD

One of the challenges when seeking compensation is that you will need to prove that you are suffering from PTSD in the first place. For example, if you do not seek mental health treatment and are not diagnosed with PTSD, there may be no way to prove that you are suffering from this condition. 

To prove that you have PTSD, you should obtain an official diagnosis. You should also keep a journal in which you describe the symptoms you experience in your day-to-day life. You may be prescribed a medication to treat your PTSD, but you may be able to receive compensation for your medication.

How to Prove That the Accident Caused Your PTSD

You must also prove that your PTSD was caused by actions carried out by the defendant. For example, if you had another traumatic event that might have caused your PTSD, you will need to prove that the PTSD was caused by the traumatic event.

An insurance provider will want to avoid taking your mental condition seriously, and it's important that you work with an experienced personal injury lawyer as you fight for your right to compensation. An attorney can put pressure on the insurance provider and can exhaust all legal avenues.

If your case goes to trial, you may need to call upon your therapist to testify. They will be able to testify to the fact that they observed your symptoms and they will also be able to testify to the fact that they treated you for PTSD. Then, you will be more likely to win your case.