What Would Cause A Car Accident Case To Go To Court?

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What Would Cause A Car Accident Case To Go To Court?

3 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

While car accidents occur every day, there are few cases that actually end up in a courtroom to be settled. Most cases do not end up in courtrooms, primarily because the parties can usually reach a fair settlement without going to court, but there are times when cases do end up in courtrooms. Here are some of the things that can cause a car accident case to end up in court and what to expect if this happens.

The top reasons car accident cases go to court

There are two main reasons that a car accident case would end up in court. The first reason is due to a situation when the two parties involved cannot agree on who is at fault for the accident. If it is not clear who caused the accident, there might be a lot of fighting and arguing over who caused it. Until fault is proved, it is very hard to settle a case. If you are in this position, your case might have to go to court to let a jury decide who caused it.

The second situation that would cause a case to go to court occurs when the parties cannot reach a fair settlement amount. If fault is determined but a settlement cannot be reached, the case could also benefit by going to court.

What to expect if this happens

If you end up with a case that you cannot settle outside of court, your case will have to go to trial. If this happens, it may take a long time to actually get a trial date, which means it may take a long time to receive compensation from your accident. If you must go to court, your lawyer and the other lawyer involved will be responsible for choosing a jury to hear and decide the case. The jury members will be responsible for deciding the things you and the other party cannot agree upon, and the decisions they make will be the end result of your case. Letting a jury decide the matter might end up beneficial for you, or it might end up with answers you do not like.

If you are trying to settle your case with the other party and not having any luck, hire a lawyer. An auto accident attorney can help you achieve a good and fair settlement, and you can likely do this without having to go to court.