Have You Developed PTSD As The Result Of A Car Accident?

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Have You Developed PTSD As The Result Of A Car Accident?

21 November 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you have recently been involved in a serious car accident, it is important to understand that your physical injuries may not be the only new challenge you will need to face. For instance, it has been estimated that about 9% of people involved in a serious accident will develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, which is also known as PTSD. If you have experienced common symptoms of PTSD, such as nightmares, flashbacks to the accident, or an overall feeling of being disconnected from your daily life, it is a good idea to speak with an appropriate mental health provider or your primary medical care provider. After doing so, you should speak with your attorney, as it is possible that you may be able to seek damages from the driver of the other car, and the following information will provide crucial information about doing so.

Understanding PTSD

It is first important to have a basic understanding of PTSD and its symptoms. PTSD, as its name suggests, is a type of stress disorder. It is possible for several people to be in a car together at the time of the accident and for just one of them to develop PTSD. 

In fact, additional research on post-traumatic stress disorder is needed, as it is unclear why one person can recover from a serious accident or other challenging experience without developing a long-term mental health issue like PTSD and another will be plagued by the symptoms for years. Regardless of why it occurred, it is crucial to remember that treating it can take years and the use of both therapy and medication. That means that protecting your rights by working with an experienced personal injury who can you seek financial reparations is essential to your recovery.     

Symptoms of PTSD last at least a month and include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Difficulty sleeping 

  • Nightmares

  • Panic attacks

  • Fear of leaving the house

  • Flashbacks to the traumatic event

  • Constant worry and feeling unsafe

  • Excessive, frequent anxiety

Protecting Your Future And Your Rights

Due to the unknown period of time and the variety of treatments that are often necessary, you could find that the dollar amount of money provided by a standard automobile insurance policy is not sufficient to pay the bills that PTSD often causes. Therefore, you should immediately speak with an experienced personal injury so that you can pursue the legal options available to you.

For instance, it may be necessary to file suit against the other driver or owner of the car, if applicable, or the insurance company in order to obtain the appropriate amount of compensation. Although the amount of money that you can request for your pain and suffering will vary from one state to the next and there is no pre-determined amount, you will need to work with your lawyer, physicia,n and therapist, if applicable, to verify the injury, your PTSD, and the amount of pain or emotional suffering that resulted from the accident. Since you can spend up to six months, or more in some cases, getting the help you need to recover, you should not be required to pay the expenses out-of-pocket when you did not cause the accident.

In conclusion, it is not unusual to associate the onset of PTSD with victims of violent crimes and members of the military coming home from war. However, some people have developed it following a serious car accident. If you think you have developed PTSD or if you have already been diagnosed with it, it is a good idea to speak with your attorney to see if it will be possible to seek reparations for the problem. Click here for info.